Tentang Penulis
Dr. Giuseppe Andreoni (M) earned the laurea degree in electronic engineering in 1993 and a Ph.D. in bio-engeneering in 1998. He is currently a full professor at the ...
Tentang Penulis
Dr. Giuseppe Andreoni (M) earned the laurea degree in electronic engineering in 1993 and a Ph.D. in bio-engeneering in 1998. He is currently a full professor at the design Dept. of Politecnico di Milano. He also serves that department as the scientific coordinator of the Te DH—Technology and Design for Healthcare and Wellbeing Laboratory, which includes the Sensibilab (Biomedical Sensors and Systems Lab.) and of the Ly Ph E (Laboratory of Physical Ergonomics). He has a wealth of experience in the design and development of innovative products, systems, and services in the healthcare and ergonomics sectors, with specific know-how about integrating technologies and participatory design methodologies. His main research interests are: ergonomics, wearable sensors, design, rehabilitation and assistive technology. He is coauthor of 10 national/international patents and more than 250 publications (books, chapters, papers, and proceedings in international conferences). Giuseppe was the scientific coordinator of “PEGASO – Fit for Future”, a European project within the frame of the 7th Framework program, and he is currently the scientific coordinator of the “NESTORE” project within the frame of the H2020 Framework program.
Ing. Cinzia Mabretti (F) has more than 20 years of experience in R&D project management. Having graduated with a degree in computer science engineering from Politecnico di Milano, she gained experience during her school years by participating in several artificial intelligence and robotics project, including Robocup 1998, Paris, for which she served as a member of the ART team, the Italian national team that developed a moderately-sized homemade robot football player. From 2003 to 2011, she was the senior project manager at Socrates Medical, leading the R&D team, and also participating in the projects FP-6 WEIRD (Wi Max Extension to Isolated Research Data Networks) and FP-7 ISISEMD (Intelligent System for independent living and SElfcare of seniors withcognitive problems or Mild Dementia ). Since 2013, she has been a project manager at Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, where she manages several e-Health/IT funded projects. She is currently project manager of H2020 – PM15 project 769643 NESTORE (Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities). She is an independent expert involved in evaluation of the H2020, Eureka, and Lombardy Region projects.