Now available in paperback. This revised and updated edition of the definitive resource for experimental psychology offers comprehensive coverage of the latest findings in the field, as well as the most recent contributions in methodology and the explosion of research in neuroscience. Volume Three: Learning, Motivation, and Emotion, focuses on the role of learning in the operation of motivational systems in human cognitive development.
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1. Associative Structures in Pavlovian and Instrumental
Conditioning (Geoffrey Hall).
2. Learning: Laws and Models of Basic Conditioning (Ralph Miller
and Martha Escobar).
3. Reinforcement Learning (Peter Dayan).
4. Neural Analysis of Learning in Simple Systems (Frank
5. Learning Mutants (Louis D. Matzel).
6. Learning Instincts (James L. Gould).
7. Perceptual Learning (Philip J. Kellman).
8. Spatial Learning (Thomas S. Collett).
9. Temporal Learning (Russell M. Church).
10. Role of Learning in Cognitive Development (Rochel Gelman and
Joan Lucariello).
11. Language Acquisition (Cynthia Fisher and Lila R.
12. The Role of Learning in the Operation of Motivational
Systems (Anthony Dickinson and Bernard Balleine).
13. Emotional Plasticity (Glenn E. Schafe and Joseph E.
Le Doux).
14. Anatomy of Motivation (Alan G. Watts and Larry W.
15. Hunger and Energy Homeostasis (Stephen C. Woods and Randy J.
16. Thirst and Water-Salt Appetite (Neil E. Rowland).
17. Reproductive Motivation (Donald W. Pfaff and
Anders Ågmo).
18. Social Behavior (L. Elizabeth Crawford, Barbara Luka, and
John T. Cacioppo).
19. Addiction (Roy A. Wise).
Author Index.
Subject Index.
Tentang Penulis
Editor-in-Chief: Hal Pashler, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, Department of Psychology, La Jolla, CA.
Volume Editor: Randy Gallistel, Ph.D., Rutgers University, Psychology Building, Piscataway, NJ.