Daftar Isi
List of Illustrations
Introduction: The Separation of Austria and Hungary after World War I: A Borderland Perspective
Hannes Grandits
Part I: Discussing, Implementing and Explaining a New Border (Region)
Chapter 1. The Role of Bolshevism and Anti-Bolshevism in the Struggle for Western Hungary and Burgenland
Ibolya Murber
Chapter 2. The Interallied Commission for the Delimitation of the Boundary between Austria and Hungary, and the New International Order in Austria
Michael Burri
Chapter 3. Graz Geographers at the Birth of Burgenland: Robert Sieger and Marian Sidaritsch
Ferenc Jankó
Part II: Surviving during (Post-) World War I Economic Disintegration and the Polarization of Class
Chapter 4. Surviving and Resisting the Wartime Order: Black-Market Economy in the Border Region of Wiener Neustadt during and after World War I
Sabine Schmitner-Laszakovits
Chapter 5. Polarization, Persistence and Political Mobilization of Class Belongings in Western Hungary /Burgenland after World War I (1919-22)
Hannes Grandits
Part III: Evolution of a New Elite Power Balance
Chapter 6. Petite-Bourgeois Local Revolutions? Post-Habsburg Transitions, Democratization, Local Elites, and the Place of Western-Hungary/Burgenland
Gábor Egry
Chapter 7. The Birth of Burgenland and the End of the Esterházy-Estate
Melinda Harlov-Csortán
Part IV: Post-Imperial Solidification of Ethnic Categories
Chapter 8. From Mosaic to Pigeonhole: Frames, Loyalties, and Policies among the Croatian Speaking Population in Former Western Hungary/Burgenland
Katharina Tyran
Chapter 9. The Romani and Jewish Population in Burgenland at the Beginning of the Inter-War Period
Ursula K. Mindler-Steiner