Many scholars have critiqued the neocolonial assumptions embedded in global development agendas. These often focus on the bodies and lives of poor, racialized adolescent girls in the global south as ideal sites for intervention based on these girls’ potential to multiply investment, interrupt intergenerational poverty, and predict economic growth. Girls in Global Development presents case studies from established and emerging scholars to collectively theorize and examine the concept of “Girls in Development” (GID), a distinctive way of approaching notions of girls and girlhoods in locations around the globe, at various points in history, through a critical feminist lens.
Daftar Isi
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Girls in Development: Discovering Girls, Producing Girl Effects
Heather Switzer, Karishma Desai, and Emily Bent
Chapter 1. Human Capital Theory and Girlhoods in Development
Sydney Calkin
Chapter 2. Girls as New Frontiers: Corporatized Development and the Politics of Investing in Girls
Kathryn Moeller
Chapter 3. Teaching Aspirant Feminism to Girls in Development: A View from Urban Uganda
Erin Moore
Chapter 4. “Where the Change Starts”: NGO Activists and the Political Economy of Girls’ Education in Malawi
Rachel Silver
Chapter 5. Gendered Extractions: Women Teachers Implementing Girl-Focused Policy in Malawi
Alyssa Morley
Chapter 6. “Give girls a chance to participate in developing the country”: Cambodian Schoolgirls (Re)negotiate the Status of Girls
Tracy Rogers
Chapter 7. Whose Voice? Whose Freedom?: Beyoncé and Girl-Centered Development Campaigns
Virginia Caputo
Chapter 8. When Futurity Speaks: Indigenous Girlhood and “Developing” the “Developed” World
Anuppiriya Sriskandarajah
Tentang Penulis
Emily Bent is Associate Professor in Women’s and Gender Studies at Pace University. She has worked with feminist nonprofit organizations for over a decade, including as Co-Chair of the Working Group on Girls (WGG) at the United Nations from 2013 until 2016. Most recently, she was a member of the WGG’s Board of Trustees.