A baby girl is born by emergency caesarean at 28 weeks gestation. Amid a haze of desperation and despair her mother was thrown into a frightening, unfamiliar world.
Against all odds baby Chiara left hospital 101 days later after surviving a brain haemorrhage, meningitis, blood poisoning and lung disease. She had a grim prognosis.
Chiara’s ill health continued and by age four she had suffered multiple health problems including several rounds of neurosurgery due to Hydrocephalus, which was a consequence of her brain haemorrhage as a young baby.
At seven years of age Chiara mentioned a strange dream she had which set in motion an extraordinary, and at times inexplicable, paranormal journey entwined with Mary Mac Killop.
Her mother now convinced miracles really do happen, offers her story as they have lived it, in anticipation of providing consolation and support to others in their time of need.
Daftar Isi
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
Part One
Where to begin 5
Enter the salesman 10
The pregnancy 12
Royal Adelaide Hospital 18
An abominable act 21
Queen Victoria Hospital Adelaide 24
The whisper 30
The birth 33
Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit 37
Only a miracle can save her 45
Chiara’s rainbow 49
First cuddle 52
Neurosurgery trauma begins 57
All babies are tiny 63
Two hospitals unite 66
Home at last 77
Part Two
A mother’s intuition 83
Expect the unexpected 85
A father’s denial 92
Intermittent shunt blockages 95
One step forward two steps back 105
Special kisses 109
Complications continue 113
My consolation 122
Free wheel…ing 124
Jason 127
The nightmare continues 130
Chiara starts school 140
One shunt or two 143
A special Christmas service 148
Wishes come true 151
History repeats itself 164
Part Three
Mary Mac Killop 173
The beatification 178
The flower girl 187
Penola 190
Visions continue 196
From celebrations to commiserations 198
Mary Mac Killop’s second miracle 203
The Novena 205
Our world explodes 209
Changing doctors and direction 213
Flinders Medical Centre Adelaide 216
Life goes on 223
Uncanny coincidences 226
Sudden accidents change lives 230
Intuition ignored 232
Planning a future 238
Fighting for improvements 241
Euthanasia 246
Epilogue: An extraordinary journey 248
Thank you 253
Glossary 258