When Nehemiah received the assignment from God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, he used the principles we must use today to rebuild a wall of protection around our families. What is written in the Bible is written for the admonition of us who live in the End Times, so we need to pay attention to how God accomplished His work through these various people. Nehemiah sought God for direction and favor, he fasted and prayed because he realized the spiritual realm is in control, and he made a plan––all of this before he ever approached the king for permission. Because the work had been done in the spiritual realm, God granted him great fovor with the king, who not only gave him permission, but made him Governor. He faced great opposition from the enemy, but he prayed and stayed the course and was greatly successful.
Daftar Isi
Foreword; Preface: The Jewel in the Middle; INtroduction: Judah; Chapter 1: the Warnings BEgin; Chapter 2: Warnings Continued; Chapter3: Instrumenst of Correction; Chapter 4: Judah Worshipped Baal; Chapter 5: Opportunity to Repent; Chapter 6: Fulfillment of Prophecies Begins; Chapter 7: Why?; Chapter 8: Mourning; Chapter 9: Captivity Prophecies; Chapter 10: Captivity; Chapter 11: Restoration; Chapter 12: Echoes of Warnings; Chapter 13: Strategic Placement; Chapter 14:Second Group REturns; Chapter 15: Assignment Given; Chapter 16: The Heart of the KIng; Chapter 17: Wall Builders; Chapter 18: Scorn, Anger, and Threats; Chapter 19: Bringing Correction; Chapter 20: Pray and Stay the Course; Chapter 21: Importance of Genealogy; Chapter 22: Reading the Book; Chapter 23: Recounting the Journey; Chapter 24: Agreeing to Covenant; Chapter 25: Populating Jerusalem; Chapter 26: Dddicating the Wall; Chapter 27: Nehemiah Returns to Jerusalem; Chapter 28: Spiritual Rebuilding; Chapter 29: Jeremiah’s Continuing Story; Chapter 30: Restoration to the Land; Chapter 31: Present Events; Chapter 32: Abraham’s Other Descendants; Chapter 33: Conclusion
Tentang Penulis
Helen Jordan Davis holds a Ph.D. in Christian Education, a Doctor of Religious Education, and a Master’s in Christian Counseling from Covington Theological Seminary. In addition, she earned a Doctor of Theology degree from Logos Christian College and Graduate Schools. She has been a Registered Nurse since 1963. At Covington, she received the President’s Award for Most Outstanding Female Student, graduating Summa Cum Laude. She was the Academic Dean of Redeemer Bible College for ten years. Along with her administrative duties as Dean, she taught in the Bible College, while also teaching a weekly Bible study for a Life Group for ten years. She is a Lay Elder in her church in Ponte Vedra, FL, where she teaches the Adult Sunday School. As an RN, she has been a Director of Nursing and a Nursing Home Administrator. She was listed in Outstanding Young Women in America in 1975. She is married with three adult children, twelve grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.