The author begins his preface to this 1914 work, “It has always seemed to me a particular duty of the psychologist from time to time to leave his laboratory and… serve the outside interests of the community.” He then examines “Sex Education, ” “Socialism, “ “The Intellectual Underworld, ” “Thought Transference, ” “The Mind of a Juryman, ” “Efficiency on the Farm, ” “Social Sins in Advertising, ” “The Mind of the Investor, ” and more.
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Hugo Münsterberg (1863-1916) was born to a Jewish family in Gdansk, Poland. He pioneered the field of applied psychology, making major contributions to the use of the science in business, labor, law, medicine, and education. He was controversial for his defense of Germany during the First World War, although he felt loyal to the United States. He taught at Harvard, and died while delivering a lecture there.