This Companion addresses the contemporary transformation of critical and cultural theory, with special emphasis on the way debates in the field have changed in recent decades.
- Features original essays from an international team of cultural theorists which offer fresh and compelling perspectives and sketch out exciting new areas of theoretical inquiry Thoughtfully organized into two sections – lineages and problematics – that facilitate its use both by students new to the field and
advanced scholars and researchers - Explains key schools and movements clearly and succinctly, situating them in relation to broader developments in culture, society, and politics
- Tackles issues that have shaped and energized the field since the Second World War, with discussion of familiar and under-theorized topics related to living and laboring, being and knowing, and agency and belonging
Daftar Isi
Contributors ix
Acknowledgments xv
Introduction xvii
Imre Szeman, Sarah Blacker, and Justin Sully
Part I Lineages 1
1 Frankfurt – New York – San Diego 1924–1968; or, Critical Theory 3
Andrew Pendakis
2 Vienna 1899 – Paris 1981; or, Psychoanalysis 25
James Penney
3 Paris 1955–1968; or, Structuralism 41
Sean Homer
4 Birmingham – Urbana‐Champaign 1964–1990; or, Cultural Studies 59
Paul Smith
5 Baltimore – New Haven 1966–1983; or, Deconstruction 73
Michael O’Driscoll
6 Paris – Boston – Berkeley – the Mexico/Texas Borderlands 1949–1990; or, Gender and Sexuality 91
Sarah Brophy
7 Delhi/Ahmednagar Fort – Washington, DC/Birmingham Jail – Pretoria/Robben Island 1947–1994; or, Race, Colonialism, Postcolonialism 115
Neil ten Kortenaar
8 Petrograd/Leningrad – Havana – Beijing 1917–1991; or, Marxist Theory and Socialist Practice 129
Peter Hitchcock
9 Chile – Seattle – Cairo 1973–2017?; or, Globalization and Neoliberalism 147
Myka Tucker‐Abramson
Part II Problematics 167
Section A: Living and Laboring 167
10 Subjectivity 173
William Callison
11 Diaspora and Migration 191
Ghassan Hage
12 Community, Collectivity, Affinities 205
Miranda Joseph
13 Feminism 223
Rosemary Hennessy
14 Gender and Queer Theory 243
Amber Jamilla Musser
15 Social Divisions and Hierarchies 255
Randy Martin
16 Work and Precarity 269
Jason Read
Section B: Being and Knowing 283
17 Religion and Secularism 287
Jerilyn Sambrooke
18 Affect 301
Marija Cetinić and Jeff Diamanti
19 Indigenous Epistemes 313
Rauna Kuokkanen
20 The Everyday, Taste, Class 327
Ben Highmore
21 Disability Studies 339
Anna Mollow
22 Unsound 357
Veit Erlmann
23 Screen Life 371
Toby Miller
24 Digital and New Media 387
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
25 Science and Technology 403
Priscilla Wald
Section C: Structures of Agency and Belonging 419
26 Circulation 423
Will Straw
27 Cultural Production 435
Sarah Brouillette
28 Decolonization 449
Jennifer Wenzel
29 Race and Ethnicity 465
Min Hyoung Song
30 Humanism 477
Nina Power
31 Nature 489
Stephanie Le Menager
32 Scale 503
Justin Sully
33 Narrative 517
Marie‐Laure Ryan
Index 531
Tentang Penulis
Imre Szeman is a Canada Research Chair of Cultural Studies and Professor of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta, and adjunct professor of Visual and Critical Studies at the Ontario College of Art and Design University. He is the founder of the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies and a founding member of the US Cultural Studies Association. He is the author or editor of many books, including most recently, Contemporary Marxist Theory: An Anthology (2014), Popular Culture: A User’s Guide (3rd revised edition, 2013), After Globalization (Wiley Blackwell, 2011), and Cultural Theory: An Anthology (Wiley Blackwell, 2010).
Sarah Blacker is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany. Located at the intersection of science and technology studies, critical theory, and cultural studies, her research explores the politics of genomic medicine and health disparities’ relation to racial inequalities in North America. She is co-editor of the journal Reviews in Cultural Theory.
Justin Sully teaches literary and cultural studies at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. His research tracks the cultural history of statistics and the political aesthetics of enumeration in film, television, and digital media. He is co-editor of the journal Reviews in Cultural Theory.