Are you tired of going from breakup to breakup, constantly finding yourself filled with hope that, just maybe, this time would be different?
Have you found that you just can NOT get yourself away from that one type of person that you know is the worst person for you to be with?
Do you want to find the perfect relationship for yourself, one that will not leave you like all of the others – heartbroken, lost and utterly alone?
There are many things that can go wrong in a relationship, some of which are beyond your control.
Sometimes, though, it seems that, no matter how hard you try, you always end up going through yet another breakup, yet another struggle to pick up the pieces and move on with life, and yet another round of explaining to your friends and family why it had to end.
Are you ready to make a change? Does this sound too good to be true?
Is it really possible to end the battle with yourself and finally be able to find the one for you?
Until now, you have gone through the pain of love and loss, and have, perhaps, given up hope of ever finding that one that is right for you.
With When Good Relationships Go Bad (How To Break The Cycle and Find Your Perfect Relationship), you can discover how to have the strength to carry on, end the ache, and find that person meant for you.
Tentang Penulis
Ira Robinson was born into a world that he never quite got along with. Since then, he has imagined new worlds to enter into.
Ira has been writing his whole life, though he has only recently been publishing his works. He enjoys writing non-fiction books to bring aid or comfort to those that read them, but writing fiction was his first, and greatest, passion.
Ira is also an internationally known radio host, with his various shows, including Open Eyes, Brothers at Arms, The Positude Podcast, Adventures in Autism, and more.
He was diagnosed in his early years with a genetic defect, Keratoconus. This defect allowed him to have normal(ish) visual acuity for many years but, at the age of 35, he had to admit that his time had come and was declared legally blind.
This, of course, brings about a whole new set of problems, and some advantages, when writing books. Ira loves to share his experiences with others, so that they may know that, no matter what their abilities (or perceived disabilities) they have, they can still be writings and still get their passion on the page.