The most recent advancements in the areas of ceramic/composite processing and characterization are presented in this new volume. Selected topics include sol-gel processing, microwave sintering, reaction forming/bonding, polymer precursors, rapid prototyping, mechanical alloying, diamond and diamond-like structures, and functionally graded materials.
Proceedings of the symposium held at the 103rd Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 22-25, 2001, in Indiana; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 129.
Daftar Isi
Preface ix
CYD/CYI and Plasma Technology
Cubic and Tetragonal Hafnium Oxide Films Prepared by
lon-Beam-Assisted Deposition 3
R. R. Manory I. Shimizu, ! Mori, S. Miyake, H. Saito, G. Kimmel,
and T.Tanaka
Plasma-Sprayed Ceramic Coatings on Glass and Glass Ceramic
Substrates 15
R. Gadow, A. Killingen and C. Li
Gas Infiltration and Preceramic Polymer Processing Manufacturing
of Biomorphic Si C Ceramics by Gas Phase Infiltration of Wood
E.Vogli, C. Zollfrank, H. Sieben R Greil, and J. Mukerji
Manufacturing of Anisotropie Ceramics from Preceramic Polymer
Infiltrated Wood 43
C. Zollfrank, R. Kladny, H. Sieben R Greil, and G. Motz
Rheological Behavior
Modeling the Dynamic Rheological Behavior of AGAR-Based Aqueous
Binders 53
K. C. Labropoulos, D. E. Niesz, and S. C. Danforth
Mechanical Alloying
Effects of Alloying with Nb, Re, and AI on Yield Strength of
Mo S¡2 69
A. A. Sharif, A. Misra, J. J. Petrovic, and T. E.
Reaction Forming
In situ Synthesis of Nonoxide-Boron Nitride (NOBN) Composites
G. J. Zhang, J. F.Yang, ! Ohji, and S. Kanzaki
Fabrication of Lightweight Oxide/lntermetallic Composites at
I000°C by the Displacive Compensation of Porosity (DCP) Method
RJ.Wurm, R Kumar; K. D. Ralston, M.J. Mills, and K. H.
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Si AION Ceramics with
Porous Structure 103
J.Yang, Y Beppu, G.J. Zhang, and T Ohji
Functionally Graded Materials & Coatings
Functionally Graded Porosity in Ceramics–Analysis with
High Resolution Computed Tomography 113
J. Goebbels, G. Weidemann, R. Dittrich, M. Mangier; and
Novel Processing for Combined Coatings with Dry Lubrication
Ability 125
R. Gadow and D. Scherer
Ceramic Coatings on Fiber Woven Fabrics for Lightweight
Ballistic Protection 137
K.V Niessen and R. Gadow
Laminated Object Manufacturing
The Effect of Sheetstock on the Layered Manufacturing of a
Telescoping Ceramic Actuator 153
A. A. Bender and R. J. Rayne
Electronic and Magnetic Materials
Binder Removal by Supercritical Extraction from Ba Ti03-Pt
Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 165
S.J. Lombardo, R.V Shende, and D. 5. Krueger
Processing and Characterization of PZT and PLZT Thick Films
O. Huang, A. Bandyopadhyay, and S. Bose
Micromachining of PZT-Based MEMS 187
T B. Myers, S. Bose, A. Bandyopadhyay, and J. D. Fraser
Templated Grain Growth of Lead Metaniobate Ceramics by Solid
Freeform Fabrication 199
K. Nonaka, M. Allahverdi, and A. Safari
Investigation of Ni-Cu-Zn Ferrite with High Performance Derived
from Nanoferrite Powders 211
X. Wang, W Qu, L Li, Z. Gui, and J. Zhou
Index 219
Tentang Penulis
J. P. Singh is the author of Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites V, published by Wiley.
Narottam P. Bansal received his Ph. D. in 1973 and is a Senior Research Scientist in the Ceramic Branch, Materials and Structures Division, NASA Glenn Research Center. He is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society and is recipient of NASA’s Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievements, R&D 100 Award and Hind Rattan Award from the NRI Society of India. Dr. Bansal is author/co-author of four books, six invited book chapters, three review articles, eight NASA Tech Briefs, and 215 research papers including 92 peer-reviewed journal articles, and has been awarded seven U.S. Patents.
Amit Bandyopadhyay is the author of Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites V, published by Wiley.