Penulis: Jacques Besson

Jacques Besson is Research Director at the CNRS, France, where he conducts research into damage and fracture modeling of metallic materials. Frédéric Lebon is Professor of Solid Mechanics at Aix-Marseille University and the Mechanics and Acoustics Laboratory (LMA), France. Eric Lorentz is a senior expert at EDF R&D, France, where he conducts studies on damage modeling, applied to the performance of power generation structures.

4 Ebooks oleh Jacques Besson

Jacques Besson & Georges Cailletaud: Non-Linear Mechanics of Materials
In mechanical engineering and structural analysis there is a significant gap between the material models currently used by engineers for industry applications and those already available in research …
Marie Grall-Bronnec & Jean-Luc Venisse: Les addictions sans drogue : prévenir et traiter
Les addictions sans drogue, encore appelées addictions comportementales, ont pris une place de plus en plus importante dans le champ addictologique au cours des vingt dernières années. Elles viennent …
Pierre Radisson: Alcool et addictions
Depuis deux siècles le recours aux produits ou comportements addictifs devient de plus en plus massif dans notre société. Les styles de vie n’engendrent pas toujours le bonheur attendu ; par des subs …
Jacques Besson & Frederic Lebon: Numerical Methods for Strong Nonlinearities in Mechanics
Numerical Methods for Strong Nonlinearities in Mechanics deals with recent advances in the numerical treatment of contact/friction and damage phenomena. Although physically distinct, these phenomena …