The time has come to reveal more of Rumi than the inaccurate portrayal of a new age guru. With careful selections from his work and accompanying commentaries this book will bring readers closer to his poetry’s true, traditional meaning.
‘Everyone has, in their view, become my close friend
but they have not sought out the secrets within me.’
— Rumi
Daftar Isi
129 The nafs is something base
169 Journey of the spirit, not the body
171 Fire of anger > Hell
180 The Masnavi must be heeded with discrimination, being not just stories
202 Weeping over sins is better than prayers
203 Allah is the true Friend
204 Travelling helps you to grow
206 Real knowledge and love of Allah
209 Good manners: not to complain
213 Why Allah does not always answer or prayers right away
214 Malice is forbidden in Islam
220 Barrier of jealousy
220 Doing the work is part of trust
224 Look for spiritual friends
227 The Sufi is provided for by Allah
234 This world is tiny but seems great to the spiritually dead
235 You need spiritual vision
236 Your true homeland is the Next World
238 Your sustenance is in the Hands of Allah
239 Allah decides everything, but you must still work
241 Do not blame destiny; blame yourself
242 Don’t look back – look ahead
245 If you are with everyone you are alone; if you are with Allah you are with all
245 Drown in the sea of love
246 Love the Immortal, not the mortal
249 The repentance of Adam
251 Our apparent emotions, ?? joy and sorrow
253 The sun of Ma‘rifa never sets
254 Love the Essence, not the form
255 Love brings life and purity
261 Love is beyond need and greed
264 Love makes and breaks us again and again
266 Ikhla?: Allah Himself is the Reward
268 Allah’s lovers, like Him, take no sleep or food
269 To lovers humiliation and glory are alike
271 Being at prayer 24/7
274 ‘You need annihilation, not grammar’
275 Ikhlas: ask Him only – seek water from sea, not dry riverbed
277 Seeing one’s own faults
280 Think well of others
281 Ma‘rifa: seeing Allah everywhere
286 Ask, that you may be given
287 Escape attachment to secondary causes
288 Our troubles come to save us from worse
290 Dhikr Allah brings tranquillity
290 The Light of Allah protects and helps
292 Silence of the Sea
294 Bring your heart to Allah
295 Repentance and weeping
296 Muraqaba and veiling the faults of others
Tentang Penulis
Dr Muhammad Isa Waley is an editor, researcher, and translator. He worked for 45 years as curator of Persian and Turkish manuscripts and books, first at the British Museum and then at the British Library. His main fields of research are the verse and prose literature of Muslim spirituality, and Islamic manuscripts. The subject of his Ph.D. thesis was the Dīvān or lyric poems of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī. His other published translations include Al-Arba‘īn (Forty Hadiths) of Jāmī; Mawlid al-Barzanjī, a paean on the Blessed Prophet’s Birth; and The Book of Contemplation (Kitaāb al-Tafakkur), Book 39 of Imam al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyā’ ‘ulūm al-dīn.