Michael Jesse Chonoles ia an established system developer, educator, author, and consultant. Michael has done just about everything that you can do in software and system development–business, requirements, and software analysis; software, system, and architectural design; coding in many languages; testing and quality control–right through marketing, packing, and shrinkwrapping the software. He is former Chief of Methodology at the Advanced Concepts Center (ACC) and has an MSE in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and BSs in Math and Physics from MIT.
James A. Schardt is Advanced Concepts Center”s Chief Technologist. He provides 24 years of experience and a firm grounding in object oriented development, data warehousing, and distributed systems. He teaches and mentors Fortune 50 companies in the U.S. and abroad. His many years of practice in object-oriented systems, database design, change management, business engineering, instructional design, and team facilitation bring a wealth of experience to his assignments.
2 Ebooks oleh James A. Schardt
Michael Jesse Chonoles & James A. Schardt: UML 2 For Dummies
* Uses friendly, easy-to-understand For Dummies style to help readers learn to model systems with the latest version of UML, the modeling language used by companies throughout the world to develop bl …
Michael Jesse Chonoles & James A. Schardt: UML 2 For Dummies
* Uses friendly, easy-to-understand For Dummies style to help readers learn to model systems with the latest version of UML, the modeling language used by companies throughout the world to develop bl …