Do you remember how you responded to authority when you were young? Perhaps, you did things your way and always landed in trouble or maybe you were good at listening and rarely found yourself in trouble. Either way, you knew what to expect from your parents based on your actions or sometimes their mood. As you grow, you learn so much about your parents. You know their likes, dislikes, triggers, and soft spots. Do you know God as well as you know your parents? If He is our Heavenly Father, shouldn’t we all know Him even more? We can know what to expect from Him and what He expects from us through His Word. Just as our parents helped shape and mold us in our younger years, God is also trying to shape and mold us spiritually. He corrects, teaches, guides, and loves His sons and daughters perfectly. We may not understand everything God does in our lives; we didn’t understand everything our parents did either. Just like every child should be able to trust their parents, we can learn to trust God. Are we responding to our Heavenly Father like rebellious children or as children who have learned to listen and obey? Have we matured spiritually or do we still have a lot of growing up to do? This book will take you through many of the parental qualities of God in hopes that you can begin to know, love, and respect Him as your Heavenly Father.
Tentang Penulis
In her youth, Jamie Rodriguez enjoyed writing and illustrating children’s books for fun, never dreaming that one day publishing would become a reality. ‘Our Perfect Father: Understanding God’s Ways’ is her first publication. She has a passion for sharing the knowledge God has given her through His Word and through experiences. In her down time, she enjoys spending time with loved ones and traveling to new places.