Dr. Janet Hanson is currently an associate professor at Azusa Pacific University in the Department of Educational Leadership, and is a former school administrator in both public and private schools, instructor for high school mathematics and multiple subject K-12, earned her developmental specialist certification and developed individual education plans for students needing additional supports, spearheaded multiple school-wide programs implementing technology into the curriculum, has written approximately 80 articles on a variety of topics as a contract journalist, analyzed and performed audits for medium and large corporations, and worked in inorganic and organic chemical laboratory research for a major research corporation during her college years. She has presented her research on mindset, ethical leadership, and the use of technology and microlearning in the school and workplace at national and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals.
2 Ebooks oleh Janet Hanson
Janet Hanson: Manage Your Mindset
As the foremost researcher in the area of correlating mindset with a variety of organizational learning factors, having performed a survey validation study of the Mindset Works, Inc. What’s My School …
Janet Hanson: Broad Street
Janet Hanson met John Whitehead on a chartered sailboat when she was a senior in college. It was a trip that would change the course of her life forever. As one of the most respected senior partners …