Conquer that dreaded writers block!
From Jules Verne and H.G. Wells to Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Ursula Le Guin, and William Gibson, science fiction is one of the most enduring and popular genres. Whether on the page or on TV and film (
Dr. Who, the
Star Trek franchise), it grips the imagination. For a science-fiction author, the dream is to go boldly where no one has gone before, but sometimes the writing seems to be going nowhere at all—and future, alternate, parallel, or speculative worlds just wont come into focus. Fortunately, this guide helps show the way, with 100 prompts for everything from alien invasions to cyberpunk and beyond.
Tentang Penulis
Leslie and Jarod Andersons work has appeared in world-class speculative publications, including:
Strange Horizons,
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine,
Escape Pod, and
Daily Science Fiction. They are also the authors of
Inklings: 300 Starts, Plots, and Challenges to Inspire your Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Stories (Create Space, 2013). Leslies book of speculative poetry,
An Inheritance of Stone, was published by Alliteration Ink in 2013, and her novel,
The Cricket Prophecies, was released by Post Mortem Press in 2014. They live in Ohio with a blue-tongued skink named Elizardbeth.