A Queer Film Classic on the 1992 feature documentary on lesbian experience from the 1940s to the 1960s as seen through the lens of lesbian pulp fiction. This award-winning movie became the most popular ever produced by the National Film Board of Canada, and became emblematic of the bold new queer cinema of the early 1990s. In 2014, the NFB re-released the film in a digitally remastered version.
Jean Bruce and Gerda Cammaer are both associate professors in the School of Image Arts at Ryerson University in Toronto.
Tentang Penulis
Jean Bruce: Jean Bruce is an Associate Professor in the School of Image Arts, Ryerson University in Toronto. Her research interests include Canadian cinema, advertising and consumer culture, property television, melodrama, and documentary.
Gerda Cammaer: Gerda Cammaer is Associate Professor in the School of Image Arts at Ryerson University in Toronto. She is a film scholar, curator, and filmmaker with a particular interest in documentary and experimental film.