Prof. Gianna Stefani: From 1997 is Full Professor at University of Florence, Italy.
Prof. Ugo Boscain: Directeur de recherche CNRS (DR2) at the Center of Applied Mathematics and Probability (CMAP) of Ecole Polytechnique; Professeur charge de course in numerical analysis and optimization at Ecole Polytechnique (department of applied mathematics); Deputy team leader of the equipe-INRIA GECO Inria Saclay.
Prof. Jean-Paul Gauthier: Experience of JP Gauthier In Scientific Research (January 2011), Including; Research Team Management and Industrial Collaborations; JP Gauthier has scientific experience in several areas (pluridisciplinary); Honorary Member of Institut Universitaire de France (Promotion 1992).
Prof. Andrey Sarychev: Full Professor (Professore Ordinario di I Fascia) at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics U.Dini (Di Ma I), University of Florence, Italy, since January 2013. Prof. Mario Sigalotti: Chargé de recherche de première classe (CR1) – Établissement : INRIA Saclay – Île-de-France – Équipe-projet : GECO.
3 Ebooks oleh Jean-Paul Gauthier
Gianna Stefani & Ugo Boscain: Geometric Control Theory and Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Honoring Andrei Agrachev’s 60th birthday, this volume presents recent advances in the interaction between Geometric Control Theory and sub-Riemannian geometry. On the one hand, Geometric Control Theo …
Dario Prandi & Jean-Paul Gauthier: A Semidiscrete Version of the Citti-Petitot-Sarti Model as a Plausible Model for Anthropomorphic Image Reconstruction and Pattern Recognition
This book proposes a semi-discrete version of the theory of Petitot and Citti-Sarti, leading to a left-invariant structure over the group SE(2, N), restricted to a finite number of rotations. This ap …
Jean-Paul Gauthier & Ivan Kupka: Deterministic Observation Theory and Applications