Claudiu T. Supuran is a professor in the Department of
Chemistry at the University of Florence, Italy. His main research
interests include medicinal chemistry, design of enzyme inhibitors
and activators, X-ray crystallography of metallo-enzymes, and metal
complexes with biologically active ligands (metal-based drugs). He
has published more than 400 original research papers in these
Jean-Yves Winum is an assistant professor in the
Department of Chemistry at the University of Montpellier 2
(Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron UMR CNRS 5247),
France. His research interests are focused on organic/medicinal
chemistry of metallo-enzyme inhibitors and activators.
1 Ebooks oleh Jean-Yves Winum
Claudiu T. Supuran & Jean-Yves Winum: Drug Design of Zinc-Enzyme Inhibitors
Brings together functional and structural informationrelevant to the design of drugs targeting zinc enzymes The second most abundant transition element in living organisms, zinc spans all areas of me …