The fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of East and West Germany in 1989/90 were events of world-historical significance. The twentieth anniversary of this juncture represents an excellent opportunity to reflect upon the evolution of the new Berlin Republic. Given the on-going significance of the country for theory and concept–building in many disciplines, an in-depth examination of the case is essential. In this volume, unique in its focus on all aspects of contemporary Germany – culture, historiography, society, politics and the economy – top scholars offer their assessments of the country’s performance in these and other areas and analyze the successes and continued challenges.
Daftar Isi
Jeffrey J. Anderson
Chapter 1. The Federal Republic at Sixty: Popular Myths, Actual Accomplishments and Competing Interpretations
Konrad H. Jarausch
Chapter 2. “Als wär’s ein Stück von uns …” German Politics and Society Traverses Twenty Years of United Germany Charles Maier
Chapter 3. The Last East German and the Memory of the German Democratic Republic
A. James Mc Adams
Chapter 4. The Mastered Past? Collective Memory Trends in Germany since Unification
Eric Langenbacher
Chapter 5. Obamamaniaand Anti-Americanism as Complementary Concepts in Contemporary German Discourse
Ruth Hatlapa and Andrei S. Markovits
Chapter 6. Passing Time since the Wende: Recent German Film on Unification
Bradley Prager
Chapter 7. Post coitum triste est…? Sexual Politics and Cultures in Pzostunification Germany
Dagmar Herzog
Chapter 8. From Ausländer to Inlander: The Changing Faces of Citizenship in Post-Wall Germany
Joyce Marie Mushaben
Chapter 9. The Social Integration of Germany since Unification
Hilary Silver
Chapter 10. Gender Politics in the Berlin Republic: Four Issues of Identity and Institutional Change
Myra Marx Ferree
Chapter 11. The Federal Republic at Twenty: Of Blind Spots and Peripheral Visions
Jeffrey J. Anderson
Chapter 12.Is There a Single German Party System?
Russell J. Dalton and Willy Jou
Chapter 13. Higher Education in Germany: Fragmented Change or Paradigm Shift?
Helga Welsh
Chapter 14. The Normative Power of a Normal State: Power and Revolutionary Vision in Germany’s Post-Wall Foreign Policy
Beverly Crawford
Chapter 15. Flight From Risk: Unified Germany and the Role of Beliefs in the European Response to the Financial Crisis
Abraham Newman
Chapter 16 German Economic Unification Twenty Years Later
Holger Wolf
Chapter 17. The Elusive Quest for Normalcy: The German Economy since Unification
Stephen J. Silvia
Chapter 18. Twenty Years after German Unification: The Restructuring the German Welfare and Employment Regime
Anke Hassel
Chapter 19. Industry and Finance in Germany since Unification
Richard Deeg
Chapter 20. Ideas, Institutions and Organized Capitalism: The German Model of Political Economy Twenty Years after Unification Christopher
S. Allen
Conclusion: The Germans Must Have Done Something Right
Eric Langenbacher
Tentang Penulis
Eric Langenbacher is a Visiting Assistant Professor and Director of Honors and Special Programs, Department of Government, Georgetown University. He did his graduate work in the Government Department and Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown, completing his Ph.D. with Distinction in 2002. Recent edited publications include Launching the Grand Coalition: The 2005 Bundestag Election and the Future of German Politics (Berghahn Books, 2006) and Power and the Past: Collective Memory and International Relations, with Yossi Shain (Georgetown University Press, 2010).