One name above all names makes the greatest difference in our lives. Yahweh is Gods name. A name God chose to reveal for the first time to His servant Moses at a burning bush in the Sinai desert. The sacred name Yahweh means I AM. Through His name God reveals Himself as the One who meets every human need. He is saying to every person, I AM whatever you need to become all I want you to be.
The name Yahweh occurs over 6, 800 times in the Old Testament. Many of these occurrences are combinations of Yahweh with other terms, revealing specific ways in which God reaches out to make a difference in His people. In What a Difference a Name Makes, author Jim Harvey guides readers to understand and make personal application of these special combination names.
Further insights are offered by discovering that the name Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua, a name that means Yahweh is salvation. One interesting chapter of this book is devoted to a study of the claims Jesus made regarding Himself as I AM the Bread of Life, I AM the Light of the World, I AM the Alpha and the Omega, and many others.
Val Harvey provides a helpful Study Guide with each of the thirteen chapters of the book. Bible students who are interested in individual or group study settings will find these guides of practical value in gaining more understanding of Gods nature and His purpose for us.
Tentang Penulis
Jim Harvey is a professor of biblical studies at Williamson Christian College in Franklin, Tennessee. He has also served as pastor of seven churches in four states and has conducted preaching missions in seven other nations. Dr. Harvey holds degrees from Oklahoma University (B.A.), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M. Div.), and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (D. Min.)
Val Harvey was educated at Oklahoma University and Southwestern Seminary. She has been a curriculum writer for Life Way Church Resources for over 40 years.