Two years in MBA school won’t teach you how to double the market’s
return. Two hours with The Little Book That Beats the Market
In The Little Book, Joel Greenblatt, Founder and Managing
Partner at Gotham Capital (with average annualized returns of 40%
for over 20 years), does more than simply set out the basic
principles for successful stock market investing. He provides a
‘magic formula’ that is easy to use and makes buying good companies
at bargain prices automatic. Though the formula has been
extensively tested and is a breakthrough in the academic and
professional world, Greenblatt explains it using 6th grade math,
plain language and humor. You’ll learn how to use this low risk
method to beat the market and professional managers by a wide
margin. You’ll also learn how to view the stock market, why success
eludes almost all individual and professional investors, and why
the formula will continue to work even after everyone ‘knows’
Daftar Isi
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Step-by-Step Instructions.
Tentang Penulis
JOEL GREENBLATT is the founder and a managing partner of Gotham Capital, a private investment partnership that has achieved 40% annualized returns since its inception in 1985. He is a professor on the adjunct faculty of Columbia Business School, the former chairman of the board of a Fortune 500 company, the cofounder of Value Investors, and the author of You Can Be a Stock Market Genius. Greenblatt holds a BS and an MBA from the Wharton School.