Daftar Isi
List of Contributors ix
Notes on Contributors x
Foreword xiv
Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xix
Book Endorsements xx
1 Introduction: Foresight and Futures Studies in Construction and Development 1
Tim Dixon, John Connaughton and Stuart Green
Part 1 Sustainability and the Built Environment 25
2 Climate Change, Resilience and the Built Environment 27
Janet F. Barlow, Li Shao and Stefan T. Smith
3 Sustainability in Real Estate Markets 50
Jorn van de Wetering
4 From the ‘Sustainable Community’ to Prosperous People and Places: Inclusive Change in the Built Environment 72
Saffron Woodcraft and Constance Smith
5 Smart and Sustainable?: The Future of ‘Future Cities’ 94
Tim Dixon
6 Sustainable Infrastructure 117
Martino Tran, Jim Hall, Robert Nicholls, Adrian J. Hickford, Modassar Chaudry and Geoff Watson
7 Sustainable Design of the Built Environment 137
Lorraine Farrelly
Part 2 Changing Professional Practice 155
8 Planning for Sustainability: Reflections on a Necessary Activity 157
Joe Doak and Gavin Parker
9 Sustainable Construction: Contested Knowledge and the Decline of Professionalism 172
Stuart Green
10 Sustainable Procurement 194
John Connaughton and Will Hughes
11 Social Media in the Built Environment 223
Bob Thompson
Part 3 Provocations about the Future: Practitioners’ Viewpoints 249
12 Sustainability through Collaboration and Skills Development 251
Andy Ford and Aaron Gillich
13 Built Environment Professionals as Sustainability Advocates 270
Gerard Healey
Part 4 Transformative Technologies and Innovation 285
14 Energy Interactions: The Growing Interplay between Buildings and Energy Networks 287
Phil Coker and Jacopo Torriti
15 Sustained Innovation Uptake in Construction 310
Graeme D. Larsen
16 Humanising the Digital: A Cautionary View of the Future 325
Ian J. Ewart
Part 5 Conclusions and Common Themes 337
17 Understanding and Shaping Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment to 2050 339
Tim Dixon, John Connaughton and Stuart Green
Index 339