How to use brands to gain and sustain competitive advantage
Companies today face a dilemma in marketing. The tried-and-trueformulas to create sales and market share behind brands arebecoming irrelevant and losing traction with consumers. In thisbook, Gerzema and Le Bar offer credible evidence–drawn from adetailed analysis of a decade’s worth of brand and financial datausing Y&R’s Brand Asset Valuator (BAV), the largest database ofbrands in the world–that business is riding on...
Daftar Isi
Foreword By Peter Stringham, CEO, Young & Rubicam Group.
1 Tulipmania and Infl ated Brands.
2 Can You Say ‘Irresistible’?
3 Wall Street, M...
Tentang Penulis
John Gerzema is Chief Insights Officer for Young &Rubicam Group. One of the earliest founders of account planning in American advertising agencies, John has desi...