Penulis: John Hayman

JOHN HAYMAN taught college, directed studies of information technology in African universities, and published six books and more than 60 articles. He was editor of Teaching and Learning with Computers and was a consulting editor for the Journal of Educational Research. Dr. Hayman lived in Birmingham, Alabama, with his wife, Clara Ruth; he died in 1999 shortly before the publication of his final book, A Judge in the Senate: Howell Heflin”s Career of Politics and Principle.

2 Ebooks oleh John Hayman

John Hayman: Bitter Harvest
Bitter Harvest traces the development of Richmond Flowers, a color politician who began his career as a segregationist but who, as Attorney General of Alabama, fought bitterly against Governor George …
John Ruskin: Letters from the Continent 1858
By John Ruskin’s own account, 1858 was a turning-point in his life — the year in which he turned away from his evangelical upbringing toward a more humanistic attitude. The 132 letters included in t …