It is 1956, and although Jonathon Statler is barely fifteen, he is already a proven survivor.
Locked in a world of loneliness and abuse, Jonathon has nonetheless managed to learn golf and tennis, and embrace a levelheaded approach to life. He has paid a price, however. He is grossly overweight and short on self confidence. His eyes are more often on the tops of his sneakers than level with the world around him.
Until one magical summer when Jonathon meets Malcolm Platt, the Director of Robert Morris Camp for Boys, and Angus Mc Clatchy, a former teacher who now considers himself nothing more than an old man and, finally, a sensitive young woman named Becky Wilson.
The Echoes of Summer is set against a background of racial and religious tension so prevalent during the 1950s. Author John Kendall captures the interaction of youth and age that provides the catalyst for a story that lifts the spirit and makes it soar.
Tentang Penulis
John Kendall grew up in New England and spent many summers at a boys? camp similar to the one depicted in his book. He has enjoyed writing for many years. This is his first novel. Kendall lives with his wife and two children in Wales, Maine.