Study Scripture with John Stott
Readers' reactions to the book of Revelation are remarkably varied. Some Christians are obsessed with it, viewing it as a kind of secret history of the world and seeking the key to decipher it. Other Christians go to the opposite extreme of neglect. They are mystified and even intimidated by the unfamiliar, so they ignore the book or give up reading it in despair.
The truth is that Revelation is a part of God's holy Word, and with a bit of help and sound interpretation it has much to offer to nurture our spiritual lives.
John Stott was one of the world's leading and most-loved Bible teachers and preachers. In this Bible study guide you can explore Scripture under his guidance, enhancing your own in-depth study with insights gained from his years of immersion in God's Word.
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Introducing Revelation
1. The First and the Last and the Living One: Revelation 1
2. The Seven Marks of an Ideal Church: Revelation 2–3
3. Sharing God’s Throne: Revelation 4–5
4. The Course of History: Revelation 6–7
5. Calling the World to Repentance: Revelation 8–9
6. Revealing Christ’s Gospel to the World: Revelation 10–11
7. Christ Overcoming the Devil and His Allies: Revelation 12–13
8. Christ Standing on Mount Zion: Revelation 14:1–15:4
9. Like a Thief in the Night: Revelation 15:5–19:10
10. Christ Riding in Triumph: Revelation 19:11–20:15
11. The Bridegroom Claims His Bride: Revelation 21:1–22:5
12. Christ Promising to Return: Revelation 22:6-21
Guidelines for Leaders
Tentang Penulis
Sandy Larsen is a writer living in Rochester, Minnesota. She and her husband, Dale, have written more than forty books and Bible studies together including Living Your Legacy and more than ten Life Guide Bible studies. They have also coauthored eight N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides with Wright.