As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them . . . —John 17:18
sent Christ at Christmas. In turn, Christ sends us into the world to be
his hands and feet, head and heart. Dynamic pastor Jorge Acevedo leads
us on a 5-week Advent journey to discover how, where, and why we are
sent. Joining him on the journey are four young clergy including Jacob
Armstrong, Rachel Billups, Justin La Rosa, and Lanecia Rouse, who
challenge us through story, art, and Bible study.
The Youth Study Book contains everything needed to conduct a five-week
Advent study geared to youth, including current examples that have
meaning to young people ages 13-18. Can be used with the adult-level
Tentang Penulis
Kevin Alton is a youth worker, writer, musician, husband, father, and friend. He lives and works near Chattanooga TN and is a regular contributor to youth resources, including Youth Worker Movement and his own Wesleyan resource for curriculum and community, Youthworker Circuit (