I don”t remember much from my birth. I just have an image of myself holding a pencil in my hand, and the doctor took it away from me and threw it in a corner saying: “nothing to see here.” Since that time I have spent my life finding and losing that pencil over and over, and it eventually turned into a pen. It took a while for me to realize that I could exchange it for a keyboard, and that feeling my fingertips on the keys was comparable to the pleasure of putting pen to paper. I”ve tried to give it up, I swear, but I always end up thinking that if I find a way to get over my addiction I should write a book to share my experience on how to beat it. So, I gave up. I can”t fight it. Besides, there are addictions that don”t hurt anyone, as long as they don”t read what I write. Finalist for first place for “El folio en blanco” of the Cátedra Carmen Posadas. Story selected for second place for “Imprimatur de Relato Breve 2.0.” Several stories selected for publication in the paper edition of the Revista Falsaria. Contributor to the anthologies “Viajes en papel (Travels on Paper)” and “Memorias del porvenir (Memories of the future)” Some stories have been translated into French and Italian for teaching purposes. My first novel, “Dos Minutos (Two Minutes)” has been among the best sellers in the Humor category in Spain for several months.
14 Ebooks oleh Jorge Moreno
Jorge Moreno: Storyteller’s Journal
What do a crazy person, a chemist, a lottery ticket seller, a tourist, a New Year’s date, Cervantes, a couple in crisis, some geeky teenagers and a ruined millionaire have in common?They’re all in th …
Jorge Moreno: A Bee is What I Wanna Be
So many choices, so many things to be when you grow up. All of the little bees have great ideas! A dentist, a paleontologist, a chef, a school teacher. But in the end being who you are and being a fr …
Jorge Moreno: De jongen zonder schaduw
Boekbeschrijving:Johnny, Davids beste vriend, is zijn schaduw kwijt. Hij vindt hem nergens en weet niet wanneer hij verdwenen is. Hij heeft in ieder geval David om hem te helpen. Samen zullen ze er a …
Jorge Moreno: La giostra
Un giorno, dopo la fine delle lezioni, Marco scopre che hanno montato una giostra vicino alla sua scuola. Le giostre non hanno mai catturato la sua attenzione e gli sono sempre sembrate piuttosto noi …
Jorge Moreno: Il bambino senza ombra
Juan, il migliore amico di David, ha perso la sua ombra e non sa come ritrovarla. Per fortuna, c’e David che puo aiutarlo. Insieme cercheranno di recuperarla con ogni mezzo possibile. Ci riusciranno? …
Jorge Moreno: Le garçon sans ombre
Juan, le meilleur ami de David, a perdu son ombre. Il ne la retrouve plus et ignore à quel moment elle a disparu. Mais David est là pour l’aider. Ensemble, ils vont essayer de la récupérer par tous l …
Jorge Moreno: O Menino Sem Sombra
João, o melhor amigo de David, perdeu sua sombra. Ele não consegue encontrá-lo e não sabe quando ele desapareceu. Pelo menos ele tem David para ajudá-lo. Juntos, eles tentarão recuperá …
Jorge Moreno: No ID
A humourous look at the little things in life we take for granted. Who are we? Do we really know the answer? Can we truly begin our lives again? …
Jorge Moreno: Boy without a Shadow
Juan, David’s best friend, has lost his shadow. He cannot find it and doesn’t know when it has disappeared. At least he has David to help him. Together they will try to recover it by all means. Will …
Jorge Moreno: Diario di un narratore
Cos”hanno in comune un pazzo, un chimico, una venditrice di coupon, unn turista, un amante occasionale di Capodanno, Cervantes, una coppia in crisi, degli adolescenti disadattati e un milionario cad …
Jorge Moreno: Senza Identità
Mi svegliarono su un treno che era appena arrivato alla stazione di Barcellona. Non sapevo chi fossi, né cosa ci facessi lì. Non sapevo nemmeno cosa fosse un treno. Era un mondo nuovo per me, ogni co …
Jorge Moreno: Merry-go-round.
One day, after leaving class, Marcos discovers that they have put a merry-go-round next to his school. They have never caught his attention before and they seemed quite boring, however, he can not st …
Jorge Moreno: Two Minutes
The world is not over for David when Sonia dumps him for a fitness intructor ten years younger than him; now’s the time to enjoy all of those things he’d always wanted to do al least until she realiz …
Jorge Moreno: Summer of 17
Summer is coming and Paula is on a bus bound for the beach. She’s sixteen years old and that’s the last place she wants to be. She doesn’t understand anything about the world, neither her classmates, …