Written by and for educational psychologists, this valuable text includes reflections and practical support that will equip professionals to confidently handle the challenges inherent to leadership in the field for decades to come. The book:
* Meets a need to support new and existing educational psychologists (EPs) in understanding a range of leadership models
* Provides useful frameworks to apply to the Local Authority contexts where leaders are working
* Offers chapters that can be read independently as stand-alone topics or in sequential order
* Is derived from decades of courses for leaders of educational psychology
Written by experienced educational psychologists (EPs) for other EPs in leadership positions and those aspiring to become leaders, this unique and practical book addresses a number of themes including the debate over the nature of leadership and the growing concern for equity and ethics in practice. It emphasises the importance of building and maintaining relationships at all levels, especially during challenging times.
Leadership for Educational Psychologists: Principles & Practicalities offers chapters covering such topics as: managing educational psychology services (EPSs); past and present leadership frameworks; ethical leadership; change management; women in leadership; inspirational and outward-facing leadership; educational psychology within a Welsh context; appreciative enquiry; recruitment and retention; managing data and quality standards; selling educational psychology services; and more. The book finishes with a section on available support mechanisms for EPs in leadership positions. Leadership for Educational Psychologists will be of great benefit to educational psychologists in leadership, including existing principal and senior educational psychologists, as well as those planning to move into promoted posts within EPSs. It will also be of interest to policymakers in local government, public sector leaders who manage professionals within local authorities, and voluntary and community organisations.
Daftar Isi
About the Contributors vii
Glossary xi
Section 1 Reflections 1
1 Introduction to Leadership: The Context of Managing Educational Psychology Services (EPSs) 3
Julia Hardy, Charmian Hobbs and Mohammed Bham
2 Leadership Frameworks: Models Past, Present and Hopes for the Future 7
Vikki Jervis and Julia Hardy
3 Ethical Selfhood and Team Awareness: The Role of Reflexivity in Leadership 35
Tara Midgen and Theodora Theodoratou
4 Managing Change in an Educational Psychology Service 51
Janet Crawford
5 Women in Leadership 65
Charmian Hobbs and Mandy Owen
6 Inspiring Leadership and Outward-Facing Leadership for Community Educational Psychology Services 81
Kevin Rowland and Poppy Chandler
Section 2 Practical Themes 99
7 Understanding Your Organisation: Where to Start as a Leader 101
Julia Hardy and Mohammed Bham
8 Using Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as a Solution-Focussed Approach to Organisational Change in Two Educational Psychology Services 115
Anna Lewis
9 Recruitment and Retention: Building a Team and Services 135
Mohammed Bham and Mandy Owen
10 Educational Psychology Leadership within a Welsh Context 145
Joy Mitchell and Ffion Edwards Ellis
11 Working in Different Leadership Teams with EPs and Others: Dealing with Tricky Situations 161
Harriet Martin and Melernie Meheux
12 Selling Educational Psychology Services 175
Julia Hardy, Jacqui Braithwaite and Rhona Hobson
13 Using Evaluation to Deliver Effective Psychology 189
James Gillum and Juliet Whitehead
14 Support Mechanisms for Educational Psychologists in Leadership, Keeping It Going and Managing Your Well-Being 197
Julia Hardy and Mohammed Bham
Index 211
Tentang Penulis
DR JULIA HARDY, works as an associate educational psychologist through Psychologicalservices.gb Ltd, having previously been a Principal Educational Psychologist in Lambeth and in Kingston Upon Thames and Richmond. Julia has interests in consultation, qualitative research, deafness, and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). She has been running leadership courses in collaboration with other leaders in the educational psychology profession for over 25 years.
DR CHARMIAN HOBBS has worked in local authorities as an educational psychologist for over thirty years, and is currently a member of the editorial board for Educational and Child Psychology Journal. She has been a member of the Division of Educational and Child Psychology, British Psychological Society–taking up positions as chair and treasurer–and is now focused on developing narrative therapy within the field of educational psychology.
MOHAMMED BHAM is currently Principal Educational Psychologist and Head of Brighton & Hove City Council’s Inclusion Support Services. He has actively worked for the National Association of Principal Educational Psychologists since 2008–taking up positions as chair and treasurer–and is deputy chair and past chair of the British Psychological Society’s Ethics Committee.