This book investigates the transfer of technology from basic research to society. When transferring technology, two main ways may arise: licensing out the further exploitation rights straight from the University departments to the industry or joining the technology a step beyond into market applications for products and services development, through spin-off and startup companies. This book focuses on the second process and the stakeholders involved, with several study cases from real life.
Profiles of research entrepreneurs are described, along with categories and general characteristics of entrepreneurial infrastructure. Different phases of launching university ventures are presented, as well as currently perceived technology transfer systems. Important practical considerations for IP protection are included. Case studies of research transfer are shortly given, related to nanotechnology, biomaterials and magnetic sensing applications.
The book was written by experts in thefield with extensive practical experience in both academic and entrepreneurship real life cases, thus being able to uniquely integrate both approaches to spin-offs and startups.
Daftar Isi
Foreword.- Profiles of Entrepreneurs and Motives for Starting A Business.- Categories and General Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Infrastructure.- Characteristics of Support Programs for Setting Up Spin-Offs in Spanish Universities.- Launching University Ventures – Policies, Financing and Strategy.- IT Support for University Spin-off Companies.- Differences between Adopters and Non-adopters of Innovation: Case Study of New Technologies Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises in Serbia.- CASE STUDIES.- The Profile of Researchers moving Towards Scientific Entrepreneurs.- IGSresearch: from Science to Business in the Markets of Security, Smartcity Management, and Geological Monitoring.- Application of Nanomaterials in Nanomedicine, Dermatology and Cosmetics by Endor Nanotechnologies.- Screvo: 3D Screening Devices for In-vitro and In-vivo Applications.- Case Study of Successful Collaboration between Research and Business: Commercialization of Advanced Motion Control Components.