Red Hot New ‘Relax & Renew: Secret Meditation & Yoga Guide For Beginners’ Release! Gain more time out of your day and your life and discover the intriguing new way of practicing Yoga and meditation for more happiness, insight, healthy & productivity that even works for you if you are very busy. Inside this amazing and exciting new book compilation of 4 books you will be discovering how to empower & enrich your body & mind & become a more productive & more successful YOU! Book 1: 15 Amazing Yoga Ways To A Blissful & Clean Body & Mind Book 2: 11 Advanced Yoga Poses You Wish You Knew Book 3: Daily Meditation Ritual Book 4: Zen Is Like You! Inside you’ll find information about meditations to heal, living healthy, living beautifully, living spiritually, living enlightened, healing meditation, meditation & healing, spiritual healing & lots more… You will love discovering some new aspects of Yoga & Meditation and how both connect!
Tentang Penulis
I’m a writer and poet, both activities require an appreciation of open spaces within myself and without myself. ‘Zen Is Like You’ is a modern contemplative approach to awareness, simplicity, and intimacy based on my own experiences of my daily meditation and Zen meditation practice, including my personal experiences of spiritual unity and mindfulness, happiness, inner peace and love. My intention is to make the benefits of meditation enjoyable to people who consider to get started with meditation. My intentions are also to help people discover the many ways of meditation and the many opportunities that meditation has to offer. I want to make meditation as accessible and as enjoyable as possible to anyone who is interested, regardless of their decent, gender, religion, education, lifestyle, or capability. My poetic interpretations of Bliss & Zen require experience, understanding, intuition of meditation knowledge both in a daily meditation praxis and in theory by reading about it in order to be able to express my personal point of view and my poetic vision and interpretation. I enjoy discovering the essence of meditation then finding a style of writing and poetry that will express the teachings and the knowledge of meditation scholarship and practical experience. I work intensively with finding the right words for my poems until all is completed and cohesive and flowing from one line to the next line, which allows me to really sink into the meanings and keep a consistent voice of my writing. My writing is a way of expressing my gratitude and saying thanks to the family and to my influencers who are people that have been inspiring me throughout the years like teachers, instructors, friends, and spiritual personalities like Buddha, Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Lama, and the like. Every morning when I wake up I perform my daily meditation ritual to settle into my body, breath, gratitude, connections to people and things and with my book ‘Zen Is Like You’ I share and give back my spiritual wealth and my enriched inner self and inner peace to all the people who want to get touched and enlightened by the many aspects of Meditation, too! I have been blessed and enriched and now I am strong enough to give back and share my love for meditation with the world in ‘Zen Is Like You.’ May you get in touch with your Zen because ‘Zen Is Like You’ Wishing you all the spiritual freedom, inner peace & strength you need to find Your Bliss & Zen! – Juliana Baldec