Penulis: Karen Coyle

Karen Coyle is a librarian with over 30 years’ experience with library technology, who serves as consultant on a variety of issues relating to digital libraries. She has published dozens of articles and reports, many of which are available at She has served on several standards committees, including the MARC standards group (MARBI) and the NISO committee AX for the Open URL standard, and was an ALA representative on the e-book standards development team that contributed to the e Pub standard. She writes and speaks on a wide range of policy areas, including intellectual property, privacy, and public access to information. Her January 2010 issue of Library Technology Reports, “Understanding the Semantic Web: Bibliographic Data and Metadata, ” was awarded the 2011 ALCTS Outstanding Publication Award.

1 Ebooks oleh Karen Coyle

Karen Coyle & Lucia Sardo: FRBR: prima e dopo
Il volume di Karen Coyle presenta una analisi del modello FRBR, con particolare attenzione al background dal quale è nato, sia catalografico che tecnologico, con una parte dedicata agli aspett …