In the third edition of UDL Now!, Katie Novak provides practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
This powerful guide for educators covers timely topics including:
- Supporting UDL within multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS)
- UDL in the service of equity
- Recruiting and engaging learners as UDL partners
- How UDL and Differentiated Instruction (DI) work together
- The role of student choice and voice
- What learning expertise really means
- Preparing for standardized assessments the UDL way
Novak presents examples throughout the book to make the content relevant and digestible. She concludes each chapter with reflection questions to help teachers apply key concepts to their work.UDL Now! is a fun and effective playbook for great teaching.
Daftar Isi
Foreword by George Couros
Short and Sweet Intro to Updated and Revised. . . Again
Chapter 1: Don’t Do It Alone
Chapter 2: UDL and Equity
Chapter 3: Differentiating Between UDL and Differentiated Instruction
Chapter 4: Recruiting and Engaging Learners as UDL Partners
Chapter 5: The Power of Expert Learning
Chapter 6: Firm Goals and UDL Implementation
Chapter 7: Unpacking Choice and Voice
Chapter 8: But What About Standardized Assessments?
UDL Resources
About the Authors
Tentang Penulis
George Couros is a leading educator and sought-after speaker in the area of innovative leadership, teaching, and learning. He has worked with schools and organizations around the globe. He is the author of The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, Lead a Culture of Creativity; Because of a Teacher: Stories of the Past to Inspire the Future of Education, and Innovate Inside the Box: Empowering Learners Through UDL and the Innovator’s Mindset. Although George is an innovation leader, he always focuses on what is best for people, from leaders to learners. His belief that meaningful change happens when you first connect to people’s hearts is modeled in his writing and speaking. You can connect with George on his website at or @gcouros on Twitter or Instagram.