Paleo workouts that are heavy on results–and low on
equipment investment
Paleo Workouts For Dummies offers a program of
back-to-the-Stone-Age exercises with specially designed workouts
that burn fat, fight disease, and increase energy. The paleo
workouts found in this step-by-step guide, promote sound activities
with a strong emphasis on practicing and mastering
fundamental/primitive human movements such as squats, hinges,
pushes/pulls, sprints, crawls, and more.
Paleo Workouts For Dummies caters to the anti-gym crowd
who want a convenient program that can be used anywhere, anytime.
In addition, vital details on healthy Paleolithic foods that
maximize energy levels for the intense workout routines are
* Companion workout videos can be accessed, for free, at
* The video content aids you in mastering paleo moves and
techniques covered in the book
* Offers a complete cardiovascular and strength workout
By focusing on the primal movements that humans evolved to
perform, Paleo Workouts For Dummies is for anyone following
a paleo diet routine as well as those curious about how to maximize
their paleo workouts.
Daftar Isi
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with Paleo Fitness 5
Chapter 1: Paleo Fitness: The (Ab)Original Blueprint for
Physical Excellence 7
Chapter 2: The Things You Ought to Do: Proper Cave Man Etiquette
Chapter 3: Running the Primal System Restore on Yourself 43
Part II: Mastering the Primal Power Moves 59
Chapter 4: Walk to Get Healthy, but Sprint to Get Sexy 61
Chapter 5: Hinging and Squatting Your Butt and Legs to Primal
Perfection 71
Chapter 6: Pushes and Pulls for a Stronger, Harder Torso 101
Chapter 7: Carrying Heavy Things and Ab Exercises That
Don’t Suck.129
Chapter 8: Primal Power Moves for Explosive Athleticism 153
Part III: The Paleo Fitness Foundational Program 167
Chapter 9: The Truth about Strength Training and Cardio 169
Chapter 10: Metabolic Conditioning: Burn Fat Like Raw Meat on a
Hot Grill 181
Chapter 11: Putting Together a Successful Program 193
Chapter 12: Newbies Start Here: The 21-Day Primal Quick Start
Chapter 13: The 90-Day Primal Body Transformation 213
Chapter 14: Specialized Paleo Fitness Programs 237
Part IV: Paleo Nutrition 251
Chapter 15: Paleo Foods 253
Chapter 16: Embracing the Healthy Habits of Paleo Living 265
Part V: The Part of Tens 275
Chapter 17: Ten Primal Superfoods to Help You Perform Ten Times
Better 277
Chapter 18: Ten Primal-Approved Supplements for the Modern Man
and Woman 283
Index 291
Tentang Penulis
Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, author and nutritionist, appears on various news streams nationally and conducts workshops and seminars worldwide to help people feel — and look — their best. She is also the author of the popular website www.Dr and gives daily news, tips, and inspiration on Twitter @drkellyann.
Patrick Flynn, a fitness minimalist, conducts workshops and certifications worldwide, teaching people how to get more fit with less — but more effective — exercise. He is the driving force behind Chronicles Of, a top-500 health and wellness blog.