Professor Kimura was a research associate at the Electrotechnical Laboratory of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry between 1974 an 1979 when he moved to the University of Tokyo as an associate professor. He has been a full Professor there since the late 1980s.
Professor Kimura is one of the pioneers in the field of solid modelling and CAD/CAM research. He has worked in solid modelling, free-form surface modelling and product modelling. Today his primary research area is Digital Engineering and Inverse Manufacturing (Environmentally Benign Manufacturing). His research interests now include the basic theory of CAD/CAM, concurrent engineering, engineering simulation, virtual manufacturing, total product life cycle modelling and management, reuse-oriented product/system design, and preventive maintenance. He is involved in the product model data exchange standardization activities of ISO/TC184/SC4, and is a national representative of ISO/TC184 and IFIP TC5, a member of IFIP WG5.2 and 5.3, and an active member of CIRP. He is chairman of the evaluation committee of the IMS Program under METI, the technical committee of the Inverse Manufacturing Forum, MSTC, and other governmental and public committees.
Professor Kimura has previously edited/written the following titles: Computer-Aided Tolerancing (0-412-72740-4), Geometric Modelling (0-7923-7538-6) and Rapid Product Development (0-412-81160-X).
1 Ebooks oleh Kenichiro Horio
Fumihiko Kimura & Kenichiro Horio: Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems
At the beginning of the 21st century, manufacturing industry is faced with new challenges stemming from globalization and the need for environmental sustainability. The progress of micro-/nano techno …