Besides being about noble, humble, and abominable fish like the Northern Pike, Sunfish, and Snakehead, Fishing for Eternity is about love, loss, family, friendship, time, and the hope of a hereafter. It is about two rivers–the Willow and the St. Croix–and how they intersect in the souls of immigrants and flow through the lives of their children. ‘The Lord does not subtract from our allotted time the hours spent fishing.’
Tentang Penulis
Kent Gramm is the author of fifteen books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, including Nature’s Bible: The Old Testament through the Eyes of Creation; November: Lincoln’s Elegy at Gettysburg; Bitterroot: An American Epic; Cars: A Romantic Manifesto; The Prayer of Jesus: A Reading of the Lord’s Prayer; Somebody’s Darling: Essays on the Civil War; Sharpsburg: A Civil War Narrative; Psalms for Skeptics; Psalms for the Poor; and Public Poems. Visit for descriptions and more information.