Penulis: Koki Shimoji

Dr. Koki Shimoji, Pain Control Institute, Japan Dr. Antoun Nader, Anesthesiology and Orthopedics, Northwestern, University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA Dr. Wolfgang Hamann, Guy”s and St Thomas” Hospital Foundation Trust, UK

3 Ebooks oleh Koki Shimoji

Koki Shimoji & William D. Jr. Willis: Evoked Spinal Cord Potentials
Techniques using evoked spinal cord potentials (SCPs) have become important clinical tools for monitoring spinal cord surgery and diagnosing spinal cord diseases. This book surveys the neurophysiolog …
Takahide Kurokawa & Koki Shimoji: Spinal Cord Monitoring and Electrodiagnosis
The spinal cord has a characteristic structure and functions that are distinct from those of the brain. Its functions are tremendously important since it modulates the peripheral sensory inputs to …
Koki Shimoji & Antoun Nader: Chronic Pain Management in General and Hospital Practice
This book covers a range of topics, from the cause and identity of pain, to pain relief management. Starting from the mechanism of pain, it continues to pain management techniques such as nerve …