Kwok Kin Poon (潘國鍵, 1949- ) was born in Guangzhou, raised in Hong Kong, and now resides in Toronto. He graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (BA, MPh, Dip Ed), the University of Hong Kong (MA, Ph D), and OISE University of Toronto (MEd). He studied Chinese history under Professor YAN Gengwang (嚴耕望), Chinese calligraphy under his grandfather TSE Hay (謝熙) and Chinese painting under RONG Shushi (容漱石). Dr. POON is a seasoned teacher, researcher, calligrapher, columnist, and has held exhibitions in Hong Kong and Canada. His publications include《北魏與蠕蠕關係研究》, 《國鍵文集》, 《潘國鍵書法集》, 《國鍵畫選》, 《孫過庭書譜白話對譯》, 《寫在信仰荊途上》, 《年在耳順》, etc.. He also co-authored with KS Vincent POON A Narrative on Calligraphy by Sun Guoting (英譯書譜) and English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces (英譯法書).
4 Ebooks oleh Kwok Kin Poon
Kwan Sheung Vincent Poon & Kwok Kin Poon: English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces
There are currently no satisfactory English translations of prominent classical Chinese calligraphy masterpieces (法書, exemplary works that are worth for all to study and observe) like Cao Quan Stele …
Kwok Kin Poon: A Collection of Kwok Kin Poon’s Calligraphy
This book catalogues Dr. Kwok Kin Poon’s various calligraphic works in his mid and later years. Over 300 works are detailed in this compilation which is divided into six sections: Confucianism, …
KS Vincent Poon & Kwok Kin Poon: An English Translation and the Correct Interpretation of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching 英譯並正解老子道德經
(I) Tao Te Ching (《道德經》, or Dao De Jing), presumably written by Laozi (老子) of the 6th century BC, is one of the most famous and influential philosophical works in Chinese h …
Kwok Kin Poon: 老子《道德經》 正解並白話對譯 Laozi’s Tao Te Ching
簡介 本書乃作者與潘君尚(KS Vincent Poon)合譯《An English Translation and the Correct Interpretation of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching 英譯並正解老子道德經》的後續之作。旨在提供《道德經》的正確解讀和白話對譯。 前人讀《道德經》, 毛病有四: 一為錯用道教的觀點來解釋; 二為誤以儒學的概念來解讀; 三為錯解字義; …