Each dawn comes with fresh reasons to fear. It is a constant emotion weaved into our minds, and we struggle each day to break free. The thought of being dismissed at work, inflation in the economy, government disappointments, insecurity in news reporting, indiscriminate shootings in our schools and malls, families divided, human life at any age can be ended, as if man was God, health concerns, the uncertainty about tomorrow, and the list goes on. Fear holds us bound in an unlock...
Each dawn comes with fresh reasons to fear. It is a constant emotion weaved into our minds, and we struggle each day to break free. The thought of being dismissed at work, inflation in the economy, government disappointments, insecurity in news reporting, indiscriminate shootings in our schools and malls, families divided, human life at any age can be ended, as if man was God, health concerns, the uncertainty about tomorrow, and the list goes on. Fear holds us bound in an unlocked door. So, friend, don’t you think it would be great to stage a walkout?
Just imagine your life without fear. Indeed, that is God’s desire for you. Through Scriptures, He comes once and again with these two words: ‘Fear Not.’ Yes, at some point, even the bravest are caught in the web of fear, dread, doubt, and insecurity. But God wants you to trust Him more and fear less.
Whatever the mask and guise that fear takes, Apostle L’Tanya C. Perry. MDiv. has published this indispensable book to show you how to lift the veil off the object of fear and overcome the stronghold contenting with your peace and faith in God. So, get set as she unveils different dimensions of fear as it relates to our daily lives and how to overcome them.
It’s time for you to live the fullness of life with boldness in an uncertain world.