Penulis: Landon Houle

Landon Houle’s collection of linked stories, Living Things, is the 2017 winner of the Red Hen Press Fiction Award. Her writing has won contests at Black Warrior Review, Crab Creek Review, Dogwood, and Permafrost. Other work has appeared in Baltimore Review, Crazyhorse, Natural Bridge, Harpur Palate, River Styx, The New Guard, and elsewhere. Landon was born in Brown County, Texas, and currently lives in Darlington, South Carolina. She is an assistant professor of English and creative writing at Francis Marion University, and she is the fiction editor at Raleigh Review.

1 Ebooks oleh Landon Houle

Landon Houle: Living Things
“The unforgettable characters . . . are trying their best, against the odds, to make their own good in a so-called nowhere town in rural South Carolina.” —Nicholas Montemarano, author of   …