Martyn Crucefix has won numerous prizes including a major Eric Gregory award and a Hawthornden Fellowship. He has published 7 collections of poetry including Hurt: “an exceptional ear . . . urgent, heartfelt, controlled and masterful.” (Poetry London). His translation of Rilke”s Duino Elegies was shortlisted for the Popescu Prize for European Poetry Translation and hailed as “unlikely to be bettered for very many years” (Magma). Laozi was a philosopher and poet of ancient China.
1 Ebooks oleh Laozi Laozi
Laozi Laozi: Az út és erény könyve
A kínai taoizmus legfontosabb tanítása harmóniát találni a természet erőit mozgató teremtő őserővel, elérni a „nem-cselekvés” (wu-wei) állapotát, és ezáltal megvalósítani a tökéletességet és a halhat …