Penulis: Larry Bencze

Professor Steve Alsop and Professor Larry Bencze are internationally recognised authors in science and technology education. They have established records of publication and are leaders in the area of science and technology education and activism. For the past three years, for example, they have been editing the web-based Journal for Activist Science and Technology Education (JASTE) and have recently edited a special edition of the Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education in this area. Their recent edited books include Analysing Exemplary Science Education (Open University Press) and Beyond Cartesian Dualism (Kluwer).

3 Ebooks oleh Larry Bencze

Larry Bencze: Science and Technology Education Promoting Wellbeing for Individuals, Societies and Environments
This edited volume provides theoretical and practical resources relating to the ‘STEPWISE’ curricular and instructional framework. ‘STEPWISE’ is the acronym for Science & Technology Education Promoti …
Larry Bencze & Steve Alsop: Activist Science and Technology Education
This collection examines issues of agency, power, politics and identity as they relate to science and technology and education, within contemporary settings. Social, economic and ecological critique …
Matthew Weinstein & Chantal Pouliot: Science Education Towards Social and Ecological Justice
This book consists of stories of struggles in science education presented by a network of science educators working in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Britain, and the United States. The common goal of th …