Daftar Isi
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Paris 1919: The Challenge of a New World Order
Laurence Badel, Eckart Conze and Axel Dröber
Part I: Transformations of Legal Order
Chapter 1. The Order of Versailles: A Peace for Law and Justice?
Vincent Laniol
Chapter 2. Purging the Dross? German International Law Scholars on the Treaty of Versailles and the Post-War Order
Miloš Vec
Chapter 3. The Subversive Internationalist: Japanese Responses to the Paris Peace Conference and Their Impact on Its Interwar and Wartime Political Performance
Urs Matthias Zachmann
Part II: Economy and Technology: New Actors and Institutions
Chapter 4. When the World Economy Came into Being: The Supreme Economic Council and the Establishment of World Economic Statistics
Martin Bemmann
Chapter 5. The Treaty of Versailles and Transatlantic Telecommunications: Technical Diplomacy, Sortie de Guerre and a New Techno-Strategic Paradigm
Pascal Griset
Chapter 6. The International Chamber of Commerce: Multilateralism and the Invention of International Commercial Arbitration
Jérôme Sgard
Part III: Regional Order, International Order
Chapter 7. Regional Disorder, Partial Sovereignty and Multilevel Negotiations: The Caucasus, 1917-20
Etienne Forestier-Peyrat
Chapter 8. Longing for Greatness: Brazil at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Thomas Fischer
Chapter 9. Washington of the World, Vatican of the East: Imagining Istanbul in a New Global Order
Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş
Part IV: Challenges of the Paris Order
Chapter 10. Cultural Modernity, Political Maturity and Modern Womanhood: Soumay Tcheng’s Feminist Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference
Mona Siegel
Chapter 11. A Conference for Africa? Racialization and the New World Order in 1919
Emmanuelle Sibeud
Chapter 12. Woodrow Wilson and His Domestic Critics: The United States and the World Order after the Great War
Manfred Berg
Chapter 13. The Paris Moment: Experiences of War and Challenges of Peace, 1919-20
Eckart Conze
Conclusion: Paris 1919: Perspectives and Boundaries of Internationalization
Laurence Badel, Eckart Conze and Axel Dröber