Penulis: Lawrence Gray

Raffaele D”Agata is professor of contemporary history at the University of Sassari. He has published books on international twentieth-century history, including Da Monaco a Bretton Woods: l”evoluzione transnazionale degli interessi e degli scopi (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1989) and La nemesi dei prestadenaro : economia mondiale e Guerra fredda, 1944-1948 (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2001). Lawrence Gray is professor of political science and international relations at John Cabot University in Rome. His publications include The Italian Communist Party: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Greenwood Press, 1980), co-edited with Simon Serfaty; Corporate Activities in the Era of Global Economy (Tokyo: Keizai University Press, 1992); and L”America di Roosevelt negli anni dell”esilio di Luigi Sturzo (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2002).

4 Ebooks oleh Lawrence Gray

Raffaele D’Agata & Lawrence Gray: One More ‘Lost Peace’?
Were there any missed chances to build a more peaceful world than the present one after the Cold War? Were there any attempts at working out a more comprehensive and more cooperative way to overcome …
Lawrence Gray: Odds and sods
Lawrence Gray’s short stories and texts were written as the antidote to his screenwriting, and in ODDS AND SODS he allows himself to have fun with words alone. Characters in this world change their l …
Lawrence Gray: Cop Show Heaven
A character in a popular cop show, Dan Symmonds, is written out of the series and finds himself lingering in Cop Show Heaven. Here he must try to discover some depth to his personality in order to in …
Lawrence Gray: Adam’s Franchise
In the land of Daoistan, freedom has arrived at last. The revolution liberated all, then enslaved everyone, and now it was liberating them again by allowing people to own credit cards. And a man with …