Eric Scerri was educated at the Universities of London, Cambridge and Southampton. He then obtained a Ph D in the History & Philosophy of Chemistry from King’s College, London. After postdoctoral fellowships at the London School of Economics and Caltech Scerri joined the UCLA faculty in 2000, where he teaches chemistry, history & philosophy of science.
He is the author of three award-winning books with Oxford University Press, namely The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance, A Very Short Introduction to the Periodic Table and most recently A Tale of Seven Elements. In addition Scerri has published two books of his own collected research papers on the history & philosophy of chemistry and as well as co-editing three further books on the philosophy of chemistry. His books have been translated into fifteen languages, and he is currently working on two new books. He is also is the founder and editor-in- chief of the journal Foundations of Chemistry.
Scerri’s research includes topics such as the extent to which chemistry is reduced to quantum mechanics and the historical and philosophical significance of the periodic system. He has appeared on radio and television and at lectures in countries all round the world and has published numerous articles in professional journals as well as more popular magazines including Scientific American, American Scientist, New Scientist etc.
Lee Mc Intyre is a Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University and an Instructor in Ethics at Harvard Extension School. He holds a B.A. from Wesleyan University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He has taught philosophy at Colgate University, Boston University, Tufts Experimental College, Simmons College, and Harvard Extension School. He is Coordinating Editor of the journal Foundations of Chemistry. Formerly Executive Director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University, Mc Intyre has also served as a policy advisor to the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard and as an Associate Editor in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He is the author of Laws and Explanation in the Social Sciences (Westview Press, 1996) and Dark Ages: The Case for a Science of Human Behavior (MIT Press, 2006), which won the Silver Award for Philosophy in Fore Word Magazine’s Book of the Year Awards for 2006. He is the co-editor (with Michael Martin) of Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science (MIT Press, 1994) and Philosophy of Chemistry (Springer, 2006) (with Eric Scerri and Davis Baird). He has also written numerous philosophical essays that have appeared in Synthese, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Teaching Philosophy, Perspectives on Science, Biology and Philosophy, Critica, and Theory and Decision, as well as articles that have appeared in The Humanist, The Times Higher Education Supplement and The Chronicle of Higher Education.
20 Ebooks oleh Lee McIntyre
Davis Baird & Eric Scerri: Philosophy of Chemistry
The Invisibility of Chemistry DAVIS BAIRD South Carolina Honors College, University of South Carolina ERIC SCERRI Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles LEE M …
Eric Scerri & Lee McIntyre: Philosophy of Chemistry
This volume follows the successful book, which has helped to introduce and spread the Philosophy of Chemistry to a wider audience of philosophers, historians, science educators as well as chemists, p …
Lee McIntyre & Alex Rosenberg: Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science is an outstanding guide to the major themes, movements, debates, and topics in the philosophy of social science. It includes thirty-seven newly …
Lee McIntyre & Alex Rosenberg: Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science is an outstanding guide to the major themes, movements, debates, and topics in the philosophy of social science. It includes thirty-seven newly …
Lee McIntyre: Respecting Truth
Throughout history, humans have always indulged in certain irrationalities and held some fairly wrong-headed beliefs. But in his newest book, philosopher Lee Mc Intyre shows how we”ve now reached a …
Lee McIntyre: Respecting Truth
Throughout history, humans have always indulged in certain irrationalities and held some fairly wrong-headed beliefs. But in his newest book, philosopher Lee Mc Intyre shows how we”ve now reached a …
Lee McIntyre: Post-Truth
How we arrived in a post-truth era, when "alternative facts" replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence.Are we living in a post-truth world, where "alternative f …
Lee McIntyre & Alex Rosenberg: Philosophy of Science
Any serious student attempting to better understand the nature, methods, and justification of science will value Alex Rosenberg and Lee Mc Intyre’s updated and substantially revised fourth edition of …
Lee McIntyre & Alex Rosenberg: Philosophy of Science
Any serious student attempting to better understand the nature, methods, and justification of science will value Alex Rosenberg and Lee Mc Intyre’s updated and substantially revised fourth edition of …
Lee McIntyre: Wir lieben Wissenschaft
Angriffe auf die Wissenschaft sind alltäglich geworden: Die Erforschung des Klimawandels sei keine „anständige“ Wissenschaft, die Evolution „nur eine Theorie“, die „Wahrheit“ über Impfstof …
Lee McIntyre: Scientific Attitude
An argument that what makes science distinctive is its emphasis on evidence and scientists’ willingness to change theories on the basis of new evidence.Attacks on science have become commonplace. Cla …
Lee McIntyre: How to Talk to a Science Denier
Can we change the minds of science deniers? Encounters with flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, coronavirus truthers, and others."Climate change is a hoax-and so is coronavirus." "Vaccines ar …
Lee McIntyre: Dark Ages
Why the prejudice against adopting a scientific attitude in the social sciences is creating a new ‘Dark Ages’ and preventing us from solving the perennial problems of crime, war, and poverty.During t …
Lee McIntyre & Nancy McHugh: A Companion to Public Philosophy
The first anthology devoted to the theory and practice of all forms of public philosophy A Companion to Public Philosophy brings together in a single volume the diverse practices, modalities, and per …
Lee McIntyre & Nancy McHugh: A Companion to Public Philosophy
The first anthology devoted to the theory and practice of all forms of public philosophy A Companion to Public Philosophy brings together in a single volume the diverse practices, modalities, and per …
Lee McIntyre: On Disinformation
A powerful, pocket-sized citizen’s guide on how to fight back against the disinformation campaigns that are imperiling American democracy, from the bestselling author of Post-Truth and How to Talk to …