Hilde Roos is the General Manager of Africa Open Institute for Music, Rese In 2013 she co-edited the oral history book Eoan – Our Story and published her monograph The La Traviata Affair: Opera in the Age of Apartheid with University of California Press in 2018.
3 Ebooks oleh Lena van der Hoven
African Theatre 19
Music is often cited as a central artistic mode in African theatre and performance practices. However, little attention has been paid to music theatre on the continent in general, and to opera in par …
African Theatre 19
Compelling inside views of what characterises opera and music theatre in African and African diasporic contexts. Music is often cited as a central artistic mode in African theatre and performance pra …
Andrea Zedler & Lena van der Hoven: Die Opera buffa in Europa
Die Etablierung der Opera buffa veränderte die Opernlandschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts maßgeblich. Sie stellte einen inhaltlichen Kontrapunkt zur höfisch geprägten Opera seria dar und löste diese zunehm …