People complain all the time about faults in their physical appearance. The condition of the skin, hairand nails affects overall physical appearance dramatically and is an inherent part of self-image. Poordiets and environmental factors can significantly compromise the condition of the skin, hair and nails.There are many essential and specialist nutrients which are proven to support the condition of the skin, hair and nails. This book is a complete course in natural repair and mai...
People complain all the time about faults in their physical appearance. The condition of the skin, hairand nails affects overall physical appearance dramatically and is an inherent part of self-image. Poordiets and environmental factors can significantly compromise the condition of the skin, hair and nails.There are many essential and specialist nutrients which are proven to support the condition of the skin, hair and nails. This book is a complete course in natural repair and maintenance for shiny, lustrous hair, strong nails and clear skin. The book explains the construction and function of the hair, nails and skin, and the principles of healthy growth. It identifies nutritional insufficiencies using physical signs whichappear on the surface of the body. The text includes other signs and symptoms for each deficiency, aswell as rich food sources of the nutrients, diets to aid in the healing process and suggestedaugmentations with food-based nutritional and herbal supplements. This book will give immensepleasure to the reader and is a good companion to the students and research scholars alike.