Sofia Bonicalzi is a PhD Candidate in Philosophy at the University of Pavia, Italy and a Visiting Student at the Sage School of Philosophy, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Her main interests cover the fields of ethics, metaethics and moral psychology, with a particular focus on the topics of free will and moral responsibility. She is a member of Sifa (Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy) and of the Roman section of LabOnt (Laboratory for Ontology). She is also a professional journalist.Leonardo Caffo is a PhD Candidate at the University of Turin, Italy, and is a research member of LabOnt, the Laboratory for Ontology at the same university, and an Associate Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. He is currently working on realism, animal studies and cognition, applied ethics, philosophy of anarchism and architecture (in both analytic and continental traditions). His publications include Il maiale non fa la rivoluzione: manifesto per un antispecismo debole; Così parlò il Postumano, with R. Marchesini; and Filosofia Globalizzata, with M. Ferraris. His publications in English include “Documentality”, a special issue of The Monist, with M. Ferraris. He is also the founder of Animal Studies: rivista italiana di antispecismo and the editor-in-chief of the italian journal Animot – focused on animal philosophy.Mattia Sorgon is a PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Roma Tre University, Italy. His main interests cover metaphysics, logic, and the philosophy of science. He is editor of RIFAJ – Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior and a member of LabOnt Roma.
7 Ebooks oleh Leonardo Caffo
Leonardo Caffo: Il mistero della nascita del linguaggio
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2009 in the subject Philosophy – Theoretical (Realisation, Science, Logic, Language), grade: BA, Università degli Studi di Milano (Departement og Phliosophy), course: Ph …
Leonardo Caffo: Il surrealismo in filosofia: verso un’inutile poesia?
“Silenzio… rumore: e la filosofia cerca l’origine. La trova? Si perde. Dinnanzi alla ragione tutto appare ordinato, ma poi crolla. Comincia la poesia: e più che la realtà ci sembra quasi un surreal …
Leonardo Caffo: Il maiale non fa la rivoluzione
Oggi non è più possibile vivere moralmente ignorando la violenza efferata ai danni degli animali, oggetto di consumo e sfruttamento, in nome dello specismo. Per capire cosa ne è, …
Leonardo Caffo: Il bosco interiore
Vivere una vita non addomesticata, vuol dire vivere in modo da non essere quello che vogliono gli altri. Significa prima di tutto cercare di vivere ogni giorno una vita non addomesticata. Nonostante …
Leonardo Caffo: Adesso l’animalità
Cosa vuol dire “essere animali”? Questa domanda, apparentemente semplice, si manifesta invece, a una accurata analisi, in tutta la sua problematicità. L’umano si è pensato, da sempre, come in opposiz …
Sofia Bonicalzi & Leonardo Caffo: Naturalism and Constructivism in Metaethics
In this collection of essays, several authors, belonging to different generations and philosophical traditions, discuss ample ethical and metaethical issues together with their relations to questions …
Leonardo Caffo: Contemporary Posthuman
The interest in what can be considered ‘posthumanism’ has surged over the past few years. There is no surprise as to why, given the urgency and immanence of a likely sixth mass extinction event, and …