Drawing on case studies, this collection offers international perspectives on how community media serves their audiences. The contributors present perspectives on the ever-burgeoning area of grassroots. Their research represents participant observation, hands-on community involvement, boards of directors, content analysis, and ethical inquiries.
Daftar Isi
Introduction; L.K.Fuller PART I: ABORIGINAL/INDIGENOUS EXPERIENCES Remote Beginnings, Metropolitan Developments: Community and Indigenous Television in Australia; E.Rennie (Re)Colouring the Public Broadcasting System in Canada: A Case Study of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network; L.Roth Community Radio and Development: Tribal Audiences in South India; Y.T.Jayaprakash & B.Shoesmith Media as Constructor of Ethnic Minority Identity: A Native American Case Study; R.Levo-Henriksson PART II: CURRENT CASE STUDIES Usefulness of Television as an Agricultural Information Medium Among Farmers: An Empirical Study from Bangladesh; M. Abul Kashem Restricted Opportunities for Community Broadcasting in Belgium; F.Saeys & T.Coppens Video-Identity: Images and Sounds of Citizenship Construction in Brazil; R.S.Lourenco Implications of Globalization for Community Broadcasting in Ghana; K.Ansu-Kyeremeh Vox Populi, or Lonely Voices in the Wasteland of the Ionosphere: The Case of Israeli Community Television; H.Nossek Asian Models of Community Communication, With Kazakhstan as a Case Study; S.Barlybaeva & A.I.Rusetmova Top-Down Community Media: A Participant Observation from Singapore; L.K.Fuller Television to Save a Language and a Culture: The Basque Case; C.Garitaonandia & M.A.Casado The Power of Participatory Community: Lessons Learned from Bangkokian Experience; P.Sthapitanonda & C.Thirapantu Civic Adventure in Turkey: Creation and Evolution of TOSAM and the ‘Radio Democracy’ Project; D.Ergil PART III: VIRTUAL COMMUNITY VISIONS The Architecture of Cyberdating: Personal Advertisement Photography and the Unworking of Community; E.Freedman ‘Free Speech’ and U.S. Public Access Producers; J.W.Higgins Call Me Impure: Myths and Paradigms of Participatory Communication; A.G.Dagron The People’s Communication Charter: Global Communication and People’s Rights; C.J.Hamelink Multi-theoretical Approaches to Community Media: Capturing Specificity and Diversity; N.Carpentier , R.Lie & J.Servaes Conceptualizing Community: Implications for Policymaking in a Cyberage; C.M.Stewart & M.I.Pileggi
Tentang Penulis
LINDA FULLER is Professor in the Communications Department of Worcester (MA) State College, USA.